Gender Equality
Protection of Basic Human Rights
Equality and Inclusion

Gender equality is the primary focus of the Gender Equality Strategy for the years 2020 – 2025. Although inequalities still exist, the EU has made significant progress in gender equality over the last decades. This is the result of
- equal treatment legislation
- gender mainstreaming, integration of the gender perspective into all other policies
- specific measures for the advancement of women
Equality in the workplace not only contributes to the economic and social performance, it also improves cohesion and helps to change attitudes in society as a whole. The policy for gender equality in the workplace is based on two main drivers:
- Combating discrimination, helping to deconstruct stereotypes and encouraging a change in attitudes, which includes parenthood initiatives and family support, to achieve equal opportunities and fair treatment for all.
- Promoting diversity as a source of wealth for the company.
Equal Opportunity

Work-Life Balance
Gender Balance in Leadership

Equal Opportunities Between Women and Men
Integration of The Gender Dimension Into Research

Prevention of Sexual Harassment
It is necessary to continue the efforts made and to take further measures to promote gender equality, particularly with regard to equal pay and women’s access to all types of roles, including those with managerial responsibilities.
Our management underlines the importance of the European Commission Gender Equality Strategy, objectives, and planned actions on gender equality at Codasip and supports awareness of gender equality through addressed and concrete activities.