The Codasip Group participates in multiple RISC-V research & development projects both as a standalone beneficiary and a consortium partner. These projects benefit from public funding/co-funding at national or international level.
Codasip High-end processor IP and high-level design tools for RISC-V
Project acronym: Codasip RISC-V Solution for High-end Processor IP
Project funding: Codasip RISC-V Solution for High-end Processor IP has received funding under the European Innovation Council (EIC), Grant Agreement 190101116 (with Codasip Gmbh (Germany) and Codasip s.r.o. (Czech republic) as grant beneficiaries).
Project status: Active
Ultra-Energy Efficient And Secure Neuromorphic Sensing And Processing At The Endpoint (consortium project)
Project acronym: NimbleAI
Project details available here.
Project funding: NimbleAI has received funding from the EU’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme (Grant Agreement 101070679), and by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee (Grant Agreement 10039070). Codasip s.r.o. (Czech republic) is one of the consortium partners of this project.
Project status: Active
Scaling extreme analYtics with Cross-architecture acceLeration based on OPen Standards (consortium project)
Project acronym: Syclops
Project details available here.
Project funding: This Horizon Europe Project “SYCLOPS” has received funding from the European Union HE Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 101092877. Codeplay Software, as a UK participant in this project is supported by UK Research and Innovation Scheme grant numbers 10048920. Codasip s.r.o. (Czech republic) is one of the consortium partners of this project.
Project status: Active
Together for RISC-V Technology and ApplicatioNs (consortium project)
Project acronym: TRISTAN
Project funding: This project “TRISTAN” has received funding from the European Union HE Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 101095947. Codasip Gmbh, as a German participant in this project, is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under grant no. 16MEE0275.
Project status: Active
Acoustic sensor solutions integrated with digital technologies as key enablers for emerging applications fostering society 5.0 (consortium project)
Project acronym: Listen2Future
Project details available here.
Project funding: The project “Listen2Future” has received funding from the European Union HE Research and Innovation programme (via CHIPS JU) under grant agreement No 101096884. Codasip Gmbh, as a German participant in this project, is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under grant no. 16MEE0244.
Project status: Active
High Performance, Safe, Secure, Open-Source Leveraged RISC-V Domain-Specific Ecosystems (consortium project)
Project acronym: ISOLDE
Project details available here.
Project funding: The project “ISOLDE” has received funding from the European Union HE Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 101112274. Codasip s.r.o, as a Czech participant in this project, is supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
Project status: Active
Open source deep learning platform dedicated to Embedded hardware and Europe (consortium project)
Project acronym: NEUROKIT2E
Project funding: This project “NEUROKIT2E” has received funding from the European Union HE Research and Innovation programme (via CHIPS JU) under grant agreement No 101112268. Codasip Gmbh, as a German participant in this project, is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under grant no. 16MEE0298.
Project status: Active
Research and development of EDA tools and multi-core application processors with accelerators based on RISC-V architecture
Operational Program: Czech recovery plan
Priority axis: 1.5. Digital transformation of businesses
Activity: IPCEI support in the field of Microelectronics and communication technologies, Call I.
Project registration number: 2320000004
Support recipient: Codasip s.r.o.
The project is focused on the creation of a new generation of software tools for the design of EDA (Electronic Design Automation) chips designed for the design of RISC-V processors and on the research and development of design technologies for high-performance multi-core application processors.
The aim of the project is to create a new ecosystem for RISC-V IP cores to support innovation across industries with technology based on open architecture, in mass production quality and of European origin.
Research and development of configurable embedded RISC V processors
Operational Program: The Operational Program Technologies and Application for Competitiveness
Call number and title: 01_22_002_ Application – Call I
Project registration number: CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000818
Support recipient: Codasip s.r.o.
Project details: The project is focused on the research and development of a completely new design solution for the so-called built-in configurable RISC-V semiconductor processors.
The ambition of the project is to innovate the processor IP and design methodology processors through custom EDA tools new generation so that processors can be adapted to the solution distribution of semiconductor scaling.
Project funding: This project is co-financed by the European Union from the Regional Development Fund within the Operational Program Technologies and Application for Competitiveness under the authority of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Project status: Active
Implementation of a Flexible and Diverse Work Culture at Codasip s.r.o
Project registration number: CZ.03.01.02/00/22_012/0003837
Applicant: FLECTO, s.r.o.
Project partner: Codasip s.r.o.
Project details: The main goal of the project is to introduce a work culture that is responsive to the needs of employees, enabling them to reconcile their work and personal lives at the employer Codasip s.r.o. through the implementation of measures in the field of flexibility, and the creation of suitable conditions to achieve a diverse and effectively functioning collective.
Project implementation period: 1/11/2023 – 31/10/2025 (24 months)
Key Activities:
KA 1 – Processing of analyzes of the initial state
KA 2 – Creation of strategies
KA 3 – Implementation in the field of flexibility and diversity
KA 4 – Final evaluation of strategies
Project funding: The project is co-financed by the European Union as part of the Operational Program Employment Plus.
Project status: Active
RISC-V Digital Architecture for the Next Generation of Connected Era
Project acronym: Codasip
Project funding: Codasip has received funding under the European Innovation Council (EIC), Grant Agreement 881172 (with Codasip Gmbh (Germany) and Codasip s.r.o. (Czech republic) as grant beneficiaries).
Project status: Successfully closed
Hardware platform for high-demand computing with a RISC-V processor in the Internet of Things
Call number and name: 01_16_076 ICT and shared services – creation of new IS/ICT solutions – II. call
Project details: The project deals with the development of advanced processors based on the RISC-V standard. These processors will be intended for a new generation of portable and stationary devices, which will already fulfill the essence of the upcoming era of the Internet of Things with their design and functions.The main activity of the project is the development of a prototype of advanced processors. The output of the project is a hardware platform prototype using FPGA technology.
Project funding: This project is co-financed by the European Union from the regional development fund within the Operating program of business and innovation for competitiveness under the authority of the Ministry of Industry and Trade under the project registration number CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/16_076/0009460 with Codasip s.r.o. (Czech republic) as grant beneficiary.
Project status: Successfully closed