What is CodAL?
The Codasip Architectural Language (CodAL) is a proprietary architecture description language developed by Codasip.
It is specifically designed to simplify the process of describing and customizing instruction processors’ architectures, including both embedded and application/Linux-capable class cores.
CodAL is not a generic hardware description language (HDL) like Verilog or VHDL. With CodAL, developers can describe and customize the ISA at a higher level of abstraction. It contains a set of compact constructs to describe a certain processor blocks, like register files, interfaces, caches, tightly-coupled memories, buses etc. That helps to significantly reduce the description size compared to other HDLs.
CodAL description allows you to generate the full set of tools needed to evaluate the processor: a software toolchain that contains the compiler, debugger, linker, simulator and profiler, as well as a hardware design kit (HDK) that contains the corresponding RTL description and UVM environment. These tools are generated automatically by Codasip Studio EDA taking a CodAL model as an input.